¶ As we approach the 2018 elections I would like to ask the question "Are we doing better, both economically and safety wise, then we did under Democratic party and president Obama?" The answer seems a no-brainer to me but for some people it is hard to come up with. Our economy is booming. This is because we now have a successful businessman, President Trump, leading us instead of Bozo the clown. All of the so called ideas of the socialist Democratic party are wrong. When Human Beings get all they want without earning it, well, that lessens their self esteem. That is just the way it is. The Creator hardwired that into us when he made us... Proverbs 18:9 Free Food Stamps. Oh right, EBT. If we don't care why change it's name? It is because we all know we need to work for our living. That is BAD. Bumming for a living hurts our self esteem and degrades us. Can't get government aid if we are married so we stay single and the family is broken up. That degrades us and our children. That is BAD, very BAD. Free Collage, free Health Care, free money from the government. Sounds good until we try to answer the simple question "How do we pay for it?" You do have to pay for it, you know. If ANYONE tells you different THEY ARE LYING TO YOU. Proverbs 20:11 tells us: whether his work be pure, and whether it be right." The actions of President Trump are there for all to see. Good solid Domestic, Economic and Foreign Policies. Policies that are wining for the USA. When I ask Progressives to give me detailed, verifiable, examples of President Trump's actions that are hurting us they say "Well, you know..." Well, I don't know. I ask them to give me an example and they can't. The lies put out by the Progressive, Socialist, Democrats and the fake alphabet news are not pure or right. If we believe the lies, bad things are going to happen to our great nation. Look at the big cities controlled by the Progressive Democrats. Chicago, especially, comes to mind. Death and murder abound. Look at Venezuela. Socialism at work. What a mess. Do you really want that to happen here? That is what the Demo-rats offer. Higher taxes, fewer jobs, less freedom and lots of free stuff. You can keep your Doctor. You can keep your Health Plan. Well, did you? Venezuela here we come! Vote for people who will back and support President Trump's successful polices Making America Great Again. ![]()
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